The specification of system requirements and architecture & Data acquisition solution development
A1.1 The current state of technology analysis and the specification of the working framework
A1.2 The specification of use-cases and requirements
A1.3 System architecture specification
A1.4 Sensors and platform selection
A1.5 Design and sensors description
A1.6 Platform design
In this phase, a marketing study was performed in order to determine what can be integrated into a smart and innovative warning platform. For example:
- Sensors mounted on a UAV or on the field officers and integration of the data from the sensors in a 3D map;
- Multi-layered vision of the data received from the sensors;
- Infrastructure identification of the dynamic network of the multi-UAV monitoring system;
- Features of several drones suitable to the monitoring platform;
- Features of the sensors which can be mounted on drones;
Phase 1 was completed on December 31st , 2017.